Archive for 2018
Carbon conundrum: cooling the planet will entail recapturing plenty of CO2
Scientists have been working on ways of capturing and sequestrating CO2. Several are proving to be promising, at least in theory.
Geneticists shed light on the workings of Africa’s ivory cartels
Just three ivory cartels are behind most of the slaughter of Africa's beleaguered elephants.
Solar power reached new heights in Europe last summer
Sweltering sunny days came in handy for Europe's solar industry, which recorded several new heights.
Mosquitoes are spreading microplastics back to land
Microplastics routinely make their switch from aquatic environments to terrestrial ones through a bane of many an animal: mosquitoes.
Urban haze reduces the effectiveness of solar panels
Haze in cities reduces the effectiveness of solar panels, scientists have demonstrated.
A game lets kids release their inner conservationist
The game's aim is to help players use their wits to save one or some of six endangered carnivores.