Archive for 2018
A circular economy may do a world of good
Circular economies are a new global trend in sustainability, yet their potential remains largely explored. Thanks to a recent report by Material Economics and other leading organisations in the field, we might get one step closer to realizing this potential
Air pollution can make us a bit dimmer. Seriously
Air pollution affects us all in one way or another. Many of us living in teeming metropolises end up facing the prospects of developing a variety of health conditions as a result of our long-term exposure to polluted air. Air
Seeking to rid the world’s oceans of plastic waste
There’s a lot of plastic trash in the world’s oceans – that we have long known. Turns out, though, that there is even more of it than we’ve thought. That is according to a Dutch foundation, which is planning a
Will negative emission technologies fulfill their promise?
Can Negative Emissions Technologies save the planet? The jury is still out on that.
Destroying biodiversity will be our own undoing
We are losing biodiversity at a rate unprecedented in the entire history of the human species. Worse: we are the cause of it.
Facebook and Fujitsu commit to 100% renewable energy
Facebook and Fujitsu have separately announced plans that they are transitioning global operations to 100% renewable energy.