Archive for 2018
The sunny side of solar for California homeowners
In the state of California, solar power is becoming increasingly dominant. California is the first state in the US where solar panels will be made mandatory on most newly built homes after 2020. At present a fifth of single-family homes
UN Environment chief: green economies are a must
Economic growth is a must for free and prosperous modern societies. Yet that growth must be in line with sound environmental principles because that is the only we can ensure that our planet will avoid becoming an environmental basket case.
Here comes a sugar-based filter to purify polluted water
Water contamination is a serious problem across much of the world not least because polluting water sources is easy but cleaning them up may involve a Herculean task. Yet help is on the way, in the form of science. Scientists
IUCN: weaning ourselves off palm oil may not be a good idea
Palm oil is a versatile vegetable oil that is in high demand worldwide. Palm oil can be used in a wide range of products from margarine to shampoos and from biofuel to cosmetics. Palm oil accounts for a third of
Experts: Nuclear energy is safe and Europe needs it
As European nations continue transitioning to low-carbon energy sources in their bid to help mitigate global climate change, nuclear power should be playing an increasingly larger role in the continent’s energy plans, several experts say. Unlike fossil fuel-fired power plants,
Time is running out for most endangered species on Earth
Sixty-six million years ago Planet Earth experienced one of the largest mass extinctions in its entire history. Within what counts as a blink of an eye in geological time the dinosaurs, which had ruled the planet for hundreds of millions