Archive for January 2019
Biosolids from treated sewage could be used as bricks
We could recycle at least 5 million tonnes of leftover biosolids produced each year by mixing them into bricks.
The World Serious: Baseball’s Yankees hire an environmental scientist
A longtime leader on sustainability in sports will be joining the team to help give it a larger green footprint.
New software analyzes the pictures of chimps to save them
A new facial recognition program can help out where human eyes might fail.
Climate and conflicts keep the ‘Doomsday Clock’ at 2 minutes to midnight
This clock is a metaphor for apocalyptic consequences that people around the world should seek to avoid.
Droughts lead to higher levels of HIV in Lesotho
Study: there is a link between severe droughts and the spread of HIV in an African nation.
Saving solar energy for years? We’re almost there
The energy obtained from the sun can now be stored in an isomer for up to 18 years.