Archive for September 2019
Global decarbonization will require creative solutions
While low-carbon energy sources have been gaining ground, large-scale decarbonization efforts have been wanting in the global drive to mitigate climate change.
Freshwater dolphins in the Mekong are benefitting from better protection
Irrawaddy dolphins are curious creatures... in more ways than one. They are curious by nature and look curious too.
UN: it’s time to change the ways of the world
A new UN report warns about insufficient progress towards Sustainable Development Goals and suggests new ways forward.
What’s a whale worth? Quite a lot in terms of CO2 capture
Humans have heard the cry to “save the whales” for decades, but there’s a new call to understand how it is that the great whales – threatened themselves by climate change, plastic pollution and more – might really be saving
Can ‘purpose beyond profit’ transform the world of business?
“These modernized principles reflect the business community’s unwavering commitment to continue to push for an economy that serves all Americans.”
An enzyme could help solve the scourge of plastic waste
Every single minute a million plastic bottles are bought around the planet. You've read that right: one million bottles.