Archive for 2019
Study: water quality is key to all sustainability initiatives
Water is intricately linked to all the United Nations' other 16 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Lots of trees can help keep cities cooler in summer
You can maximize the natural cooling effects of trees in cities by boosting canopy cover beyond 40%.
Corporate giants seek to boost the sustainable energy market
REBA's goal is to contribute 60 GW of new renewables capacity to nonresidential consumers in the U.S. by 2025.
Myanmar and China join forces to save ‘snubby’ monkeys
Joint measures have substantially improved the chances of saving the critically endangered primates from extinction.
Energy expert: Finland is well on its way in its low-carbon transition
In building new nuclear, "standardized designs and downsized reactors can help. Governments can also offer additional support."
One answer to invasive species is to eat them
In Chesapeake Bay the blue catfish is an unwelcome intruder. But a restaurant is helping out by putting it on the menu.