Archive for 2021
How would planting 8 billion trees every year for 20 years affect Earth’s climate?
Could massive tree planting actually slow climate change?
Mountain forests in Africa store plenty more carbon than previously thought
"The results are surprising because the climate in mountains would be expected to lead to low carbon forests."
When it comes to climate, the good news is the news
Fires, floods, rising temperatures and rising seas: If you're looking at climate headlines, it may seem like there's not much good news. But there is, and the good news is ... the news itself.
‘Cool pavements’ could cool cities and mitigate climate change
As much as 40 percent of cities in the US while conventional asphalt accounts for more than 95% of pavements worldwide
Plastic nets harm seals in Africa, but volunteers do their best to help
Discarded fishing lines and nets can cause serious injuries to the mammals and even lead to their deaths.
Mammals living in cities grow larger than their country cousins
Animals that can adopt well to resource-rich urbanized environments could fare better than those that can't.