Archive for 2022
This is how halving the US’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 can be done
The tasks ahead are significant, yet given effective policies they can be achieved, scientists say.
Drones could be used to scare off pesky birds in vineyards
Photo: Pixabay/JanBaby Drones have plenty of uses in conservation work as they can be employed to keep an eye from the sky on loggers and poachers, help monitor threatened animal populations or clean up trash from the banks of waterways.
Cross-national fish stock management must focus on the impacts of climate change
As oceans get warmer and marine species move across international borders, fish stocks will face additional pressures.
Fossil fuel’s stranded assets at center of new climate clashes
New research puts a US$681 billion estimate on financial company losses linked to stranded assets in the oil and gas sector.
A new discovery opens the door for nighttime solar energy
The new thermoradiative diode generates electricity by emitting infrared light into a colder environment.
Plastic waste poses a grave threat to India’s wild elephants
High plastic presence in elephant dung highlights its widespread use near protected habitats and a lack of waste segregation practices.