Archive for November 2023
People in Europe ate seaweed for thousands of years before it disappeared from their diets
Seaweed was a part of people's diet for a long period and it became a marginal food only relatively recently.
Bonobos in the wild cooperate with other groups, just like us
The apes preferentially interact with specific members of other groups who are more likely to return the favor.
The sex ratio of endangered sea turtles is badly skewed by pollution
The greater the amounts of contaminants were, the greater the female bias became within a nest.
New report finds U.S. warming faster, facing costly disaster
U.S. climate report finds $1 billion disaster happens every three weeks, and progress needs to accelerate to limit worst climate impacts.
What would Noah do to save ‘every creeping thing of the earth’?
Given finite research and practical resources, how should we act to conserve biological diversity?
Air pollution makes New Delhi barely liveable for millions
India's capital has consistently ranked among the world's most polluted cities.