All posts by Daniel T Cross
Much of the permafrost in alpine regions ‘will be lost’ to climate change
Under current levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide 60% of alpine permafrost land area will be lost in the future.
Relocating croplands to ideal sites could drastically reduce agriculture’s environmental impacts
Croplands have replaced natural habitats that contained a lot of biodiversity — and crops don't even grow well there.
The Amazon’s forests are losing their resilience
Extensive logging and burning may be pushing the Amazon's rainforests towards a tipping point.
Sea levels began to rise during the Industrial Revolution
The global rate of sea-level rise from 1940 to 2000 was faster than all previous 60-year intervals over the past 2,000 years.
The last river dolphin’s death in Laos highights concerns about the Mekong
Documenting the lessons learnt from this tragic loss is critically important if we are to protect endangered species.
Restored tropical forests will store carbon even in the face of climate change
Large-scale tree planting won't be enough to avoid climate disaster, but it can play a role in mitigating effects.