All posts by Daniel T Cross
Should rich nations pay poor ones to protect tropical forests?
A fact of conservation is that the more prosperous a society, the more likely it is to protect its forests. The converse is also true.
A changing climate will help Europe’s wind energy prospects
In future, nine months of the year could see UK wind turbines generating electricity at levels currently only seen in winter.
There are more primary forests in Europe than we thought
Though the total area of forest is not large in Europe, there are more virgin forests left than previously thought.
Bananas could soon be gone due to diseases and climate change
Several strains of a fungus are posing grave threats to the world’s banana plants. So are changing weather patterns.
Keeping exotic reptiles as pets probably isn’t a good idea
Three-quarters of reptiles kept as exotic pets die within a year.
Tigers are doomed if efforts to save them remain wanting
Cambodia's last wild tiger is dead. And so another chapter for tigers has come to a sad end.