All posts by The Conversation
Most infectious diseases can be worsened by climate change
Climate change can exacerbate a full 58% of the infectious diseases that humans come in contact with worldwide.
How satellites revolutionized the way we see and protect the natural world
The first satellite in the Landsat series launched in 1972. Eight others followed, providing the same views so changes could be tracked over time.
Hotter Kalahari desert may stop hornbills breeding within years
High temperatures over a few days or weeks can have negative effects on the birds' foraging and body mass.
How hot is too hot for the human body? Heat + humidity can get dangerous fast
When the body overheats, the heart has to work harder to pump blood flow to the skin to dissipate the heat.
Heatwaves worsen mental health conditions
Recent studies suggest a 10% rise in hospital emergency room visits on days with high temperatures.
Trophy hunting won’t save Africa’s lions so the UK ban on wildlife imports is a welcome step
In just 25 years lion numbers have decreased by 43% throughout Africa and their range by more than 90%.