All posts by Vitaliy Soloviy
Paris wants to turn parts of itself into urban forests
Urban rewilding is a trend in the making. Now Paris is out to join in.
Google wants to go all out on a circular economy
The tech giant says it wants to spearhead the way the IT sector deals with materials and waste.
Study: We’ll need to assess short-term climate effects better
We need more research on near-term impacts of climate change, a new paper in WIRE’s Climate Change suggests.
Terawatt-scale solar ‘will reshape the global energy market’
Solar energy could upend the global energy market and become a key energy source of the future.
Study: conversation means conservation
Conserving biodiversity requires a common vision and without it we are more likely to fail.
IRENA: renewables provide jobs to 11 million people
As the renewables sector keeps growing, so is the number of people it provides jobs to.