Environmental Protection
Saving a TV advert to help save orangutans
Despite its positive message, a poignant ad, which has gone viral on social media, has been banned on British television.
For a sustainable future, education is key
We are at the edge of history where nothing is given, and everything is a frontier.
Tackling plastic waste at its source: us
With the planet’s oceans getting swamped by endless streams of plastic waste, you might be forgiven for being pessimistic about Earth’s future. But pessimism is the wrong attitude. What’s needed is dedication and concerted action aimed at stopping plastic waste
The Amazon’s trees are succumbing to climate change
Taller trees, which are predominantly canopy species occupying the upper tiers of forests, are outcompeting smaller plants.
Wind farms can serve as apex predators
The threats wind farms pose to birds may be severe than previously assumed.
Here comes emissions-free air-conditioning
Scientists have designed a device that can serve both as a solar cell and as a cooler at the same time.