Environmental Protection
Air pollution could cause autism
The developing brains of young children are especially vulnerable to toxic exposures in the environment.
Neither hard nor fast: a smarter way to achieve sustainability goals
In order for society to thrive within planetary boundaries, a profound and non-conventional economic transformation is required.
A tricky link between prejudices and environmental action
When it comes to sustainable lifestyle choices, even skin color can make a difference about people's perceptions.
Elephants are veritable math whizzes. Can they count on us to save them?
Here's hoping Asia's beleaguered numerically gifted elephants can count on us to save them.
Global action works. A healing ozone layer is proof
It has taken some three decades and concerted global action, but at last the ozone layer is beginning to heal.
Time to finetune AI to keep animals safe
How will AI-powered drones and self-driving cars behave towards animals they encounter on the way?