Environmental Protection
Mercury pollution remains acute in Europe
The main cause of mercury pollution on the continent is the continued burning of coal.
A giant of environmentalism: tiny Slovenia
Slovenia is a country with a high diversity of natural environment gathered in a small area.
Brazil’s Atlantic Forest is a ‘pale shadow of its former self’
This collapse of biodiversity is unprecedented in both history and pre-history and can be directly attributed to human activity.
Carbon conundrum: cooling the planet will entail recapturing plenty of CO2
Scientists have been working on ways of capturing and sequestrating CO2. Several are proving to be promising, at least in theory.
Geneticists shed light on the workings of Africa’s ivory cartels
Just three ivory cartels are behind most of the slaughter of Africa's beleaguered elephants.
Mosquitoes are spreading microplastics back to land
Microplastics routinely make their switch from aquatic environments to terrestrial ones through a bane of many an animal: mosquitoes.