Environmental Protection
Discarded orange peels sprout a forest in Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a major producer of oranges, but local orange juice-making companies tend to have little use of orange peels. So in 1998 one of those juice makers dumped 12,000 tons of peels and leftover pulp on a barren
Air pollution ‘worsens diabetes’
If you have diabetes, you would probably do well to stay away from higher levels of air pollution. Then again, that can be a challenged in many towns and cities where chronically high levels of air pollution have become the
Scientists: our carbon emissions are changing the seasons
When it comes to the planetary scale, we may seem like puny creatures individually. Yet collectively we have awesome powers over the Earth, for better or worse. Not only are we driving countless species ever closer to the edge of
Lab-grown corals may help save stressed reefs
Corals around the planet’s oceans are in trouble. They are fragile creatures that are prone to suffer harm even from moderate changes in water temperatures, levels of salinity and degrees of acidity. Yet abnormally high water surface temperatures and increasing
Trump is wrong: trophy hunting isn’t good conservation
Quite a few people like to shoot unsuspecting animals dead with powerful rifles from a safe distance and then pose for selfies with the animals’ remains. And if we are to believe the Trump administration in the US, the dubious
Here comes a sugar-based filter to purify polluted water
Water contamination is a serious problem across much of the world not least because polluting water sources is easy but cleaning them up may involve a Herculean task. Yet help is on the way, in the form of science. Scientists