Environmental Protection
Will termites aided by climate change help drive emissions?
Termites currently have their biggest effects in places like tropical savannas and seasonal forests and subtropical deserts.
Direct air capture: how advanced is technology to suck up carbon dioxide?
We must remove 660 billion tonnes of CO₂ from the atmosphere by the end of the century to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
Green jobs are outpacing the labor force: what this means for the planet
The need for green-focused jobs is increasing, but institutions haven’t fully established training programs.
The planet is at risk of numerous climate tipping points
If global temperatures rise beyond 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, the planet will undergo more tipping points.
‘Enhanced weathering’ to trap CO2 may harm peat soils
It's hoped that adding basalt rock to peat soils may boost CO2 absorption and improve crop yields. New research suggests it may not work.
Sewage pollution: why the UK water industry is broken
Sewage spills damage the environment, including chalk streams: a rare shallow-water habitat in England.