Environmental Protection
Air pollution may cause heart attacks in nonsmokers
Myocardial infarctions in Berlin are significantly more common on days with high nitric oxide concentrations.
Reintroducing bison to the Great Plains would boost plant diversity and resilience
Bison were an integral part of North American grasslands before they were removed from over 99% of the Great Plains.
Why ‘mercy-killing’ wild animals is so controversial
Two wild animals that strayed from their ordinary habitats were recently killed in high-profile cases.
Recycling EV batteries require proper solutions
One of the barriers to recycling EV batteries is that people are unsure how to dispose of them.
Nine out of 10 marine species could disappear by 2100, scientists warn
The worst-case scenario in global warming could cause a mass die-off in marine species.
Scientists invent a method for eradicating harmful ‘forever chemicals’
The scientists have already managed to degrad 10 types of PFCAs and PFECAs.