Environmental Protection
Air pollution is fast getting worse in tropical cities
Regulatory action targeting emerging anthropogenic sources of air pollution is urgently needed.
Scientists use 3D printing to help save embattled coral reefs
Creating 3D-printed coral alternatives is less labor-intensive than other restoration methods.
Medical drugs are polluting rivers from Norway to Nairobi
Pharmaceutical pollution affects aquatic life and public health. New research shows just how widespread the problem is.
Insurers need to rise to the challenges of climate change
Business models across the industry must adapt to the effects of climate change on lives and property, experts stress.
We should ‘get better prepared’ for flash droughts globally
"We should pay close attention to the vulnerable regions with a high probability of soil drought and aridity."
Arctic greening won’t save the climate
Temperatures in the far northern region rise three times faster than the global average. But will a greener Arctic help us combat climate change?