Environmental Protection
Some 9,200 species of trees are ‘still undiscovered’ by science
The number of tree species on Earth is around 73,000, or about 14% more than the species currently known.
The great Amazon land grab: Brazil’s government is turning public land private, driving deforestation
Much of this land is cleared for cattle ranches and soybean farms, threatening biodiversity and the Earth’s climate.
Climate change will deprive oceans of precious oxygen
The emergence of deoxygenation is projected to be widespread in large swathes of the oceans before 2080.
The Mekong keeps on yielding species new to science
The region’s biodiversity richness is a result of its complex geological and climatic history, and its diverse landscapes.
A Sixth Extinction is ‘well underway’ but it can still be mitigated
In just the past 500 years no fewer than between 150,000 and 260,000 species may have gone extinct, scientists say.
The Maldives is taking steps to eliminate plastic waste
A scientific tool will help the government and other stakeholders in the country to reduce plastic waste by 85% by 2030.