Environmental Protection
Precipitation and plant growth greatly influence mammalian diversity
Regions where precipitation varies by season without extremes have the highest levels of mammalian diversity.
Wolf protection in Europe has become deeply political
Wolves are staging a comeback in Europe after centuries of persecution. In Spain not everyone is happy about this.
Authors call to adapt, not despair, over Antarctic ice
Dr. Kaitlin Naughten says a West Antarctic ice melt study shows sea level rise is now "baked in." It's a call to action rather than doomism.
The loss of pollinators threatens food security in the tropics
Several affected crops play vital roles in both local economies and global trade.
Even tiny ants can get entangled in plastic waste
One ant was found ensnared in a thin strip of red plastic fiber. Another ant was wrapped in a black plastic fiber.
Marine mammals live longer in zoos thanks to better animal care
Life expectancy in four studied marine mammal species has increased by over three times in zoos and aquariums.