Environmental Protection
Grey wolves, not people, are the real bane of pumas in a US state
In 2000 scientists began monitoring wild pumas in the area of Yellowstone National Park and carried on doing so for years.
A warming climate could cause baby birds to go hungry
A lag between when larvae and birds hatch because of warming weather could be catastrophic for bird hatchlings.
By century’s end wildlife habitats could shrink by a quarter
Already mammals, birds and amphibians around the planet have seen their natural habitat range shrink by 18% on average.
A shift in financing can make our fisheries more sustainable
Over a third of the world’s fisheries have been overexploited and the health of marine ecosystems is in decline.
Indigenous people in Borneo seek to save their forests
“Enough is enough,” a villager living in an area where logging has been rampant. “We want the trees to grow back.”
Nitrous oxide is a far more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2
Each year, more than 100 million tons of nitrogen are spread on crops in the form of synthetic fertilizer.