Environmental Protection
Shade-growing cacao can help mitigate climate change
Many farmers may have been growing cocoa beans all wrong.
What can we learn from debates on sustainability?
Should we build a dam or preserve a national park instead? The answer may not always be obvious.
We’ve ‘underestimated’ methane emissions from fossil fuels
Over the past three centuries atmospheric levels of the greenhouse gas has increased by some 150%.
Report: U.S. labels on plastics mislead the recycling public
The "Circular Claims Fall Flat" study says firms violate U.S. labeling rules because plastic products aren't actually recycled.
Bumblebees are feeling the heat of climate change
Warming temperatures are primarily to blame for the dramatic decline in bumblebee numbers, scientists say.
Invasive snails could help beleaguered coffee farmers
Asian tramp snails are originally from Asia. Yet they are now widespread throughout tropical and subtropical regions.