Green Consumerism
Digital stories are shaping our views of a sustainable future
The digital revolution is changing the ways of the world. Not surprisingly it is also reshaping our perception of sustainability.
Tackling the scourge of plastic waste won’t be easy
At the current rate, the consumption of plastic in Asia will have increased by a shocking 80% by 2025.
You can help combat climate change by eating beans
As the planet's population grows, there will be ever more mouths to feed. But with what crops that is done will matter.
Bananas could soon be gone due to diseases and climate change
Several strains of a fungus are posing grave threats to the world’s banana plants. So are changing weather patterns.
Living too well is unsustainable
Conspicuous consumption, which is often confused with living well, is environmentally unsustainable.
Plastic packaging is no solution for food waste
Food waste remains an acute problem in Europe and across much of the world. So does plastic waste.