Green Consumerism
When scientists practice sustainability, what drives them?
Scientific knowledge can be a powerful motivating force to do better.
Google wants to go all out on a circular economy
The tech giant says it wants to spearhead the way the IT sector deals with materials and waste.
Snapchat, YouTube or porn: Our video is costing carbon
Online video viewing was responsible for carbon emissions equal to those of Spain last year, and it’s time to take seriously the impacts and become “digitally sober,” according to researchers at a Paris-based think tank on climate change. The new
Banning single-use plastics helps. Not using them voluntarily helps too
A global initiative called Plastic Free July challenges people not to use disposable plastic items for a month.
Here come fully self-sustainable green dwellings
PassivDom dwellings are billed as autonomous self-sustainable units that can withstand a Zombie Apocalypse.
For recycling to work, people need to see its true value
There is a way to make recycling more effective and the answer lies in psychology.