Green Consumerism
Do as your neighbor does: use less energy
The behaviour of others can be used to encourage people to be more efficient in their energy use — both to save money and protect the environment.
Origami has just made it easier to get freshwater
Some scientists decided to see if they could improve solar steam generators' energy efficiency, which they did.
A nifty idea: a biodegradable water bottle made from algae
A young inventor has fashioned a new biodegradable bottle out of a powdered form of red algae.
More people are going hungry. The reason: climate change
As many as 821 million were going hungry in 2017, the UN says. And many more will likely be going hungry.
A brewery creates edible can holders to save sea creatures
Here comes the answer to a particular bane of sea-dwelling creatures: edible drink holders that they can consume.
UN: to save the planet, we must change our economies
Unless we mend our collective ways, the UN says, life on Planet Earth is in for a rough ride.