Low Carbon Energy
Suddenly we are in the middle of a global energy crisis
The world is entering a new energy crisis the like of which hasn’t been seen since the 1970s.
A number of EU nations embrace nuclear as a green energy source
10 member states have asked the European Commission to add nuclear energy to the green sources of power.
Nuclear energy can help make UK electricity green by 2035
What energy technology is low-carbon and reliable? The UK government’s answer seems to be nuclear power.
Fine words from the hydropower industry won’t save our last wild rivers
Technologies to harness the power of water are crucial for a low-emissions future, but hydropower can cause serious damage.
How the Arabian Gulf’s oil producers expect to reach zero emissions
Climate action has not been a priority for oil-producing countries in the Middle Ease. Until now.
With the Artic melting, sustainable development must be a priority
Arctic countries are increasingly looking to alternative energy sources to power Arctic development in a sustainable way.