Low Carbon Energy
Much of Europe is bidding adieu to coal
Europe was once wedded inextricably to coal. It no longer is.
Oil’s Götterdämmerung: Why Covid-19 could spell the end of fossil fuels
As the fossil fuel sector is ailing, the low-carbon economy now has an unprecedented chance to become a reality.
India needs low-carbon energy partnerships to power its rise
India will need plenty more electricity; it also needs that extra power to be generated in a cleaner, low-carbon fashion.
Economic development and energy in the age of climate change
Considering the massive challenges ahead of us, nuclear power deserves a seat at the clean energy table.
Covid-19 pandemic shows us how to tackle climate change
Prudent spending and new work behaviours could influence how emissions evolve in future.
MENA is pondering its energy options
Per-capita carbon emissions in some MENA nations have been among the highest in the world.