Low Carbon Energy
Can nuclear unlock Africa’s development?
Africa’s nations have been urged to seek out climate-conscious solutions to the challenges of continued economic development.
After COP25, a more inclusive climate policy is needed
If the COP25-failure showed one thing, it is that we are woefully failing to employ the right means to decarbonize our energy system. This is despite the fact that a reliable low-carbon energy source is available to achieve this.
Africa’s sustainable energy transition has global implications
Today, Africa produces only 2% of global energy-related CO2 emissions. But this could change.
Scientists build solar panels that act like sunflowers
Optimizing solar panels has long been a challenge for scientists and engineers. Solutions are on the way.
Japan shows how we can drastically cut CO2 emissions
Following the Fukushima nuclear accident, which was triggered by a massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami in 2011, Japan has been widely held up as a cautionary tale for the dangers of nuclear energy - but the country is rediscovering the
For the EU, it’s too late for low-hanging fruit
The block is falling behind in its efforts to decarbonize and so mitigate the effects of climate change.