Low Carbon Energy
Whither the way for India in its energy transition?
Despite marked economic progress in recent years, a quarter of a billion Indians still have no electricity.
Social science on the guard against climate change
Social science can help us deal with climate change, but there are also large gaps in our knowledge.
Locals in the Balkans well up with anger at hydropower dams
Where there was once a free-flowing river, now there are piles of rubble, broken pipes and a concrete wall blocking the water.
Study: wind turbines could actually cause some warming
Wind turbines are a great way to generate low-carbon electricity. But there might be a catch.
A Nobel way to save the planet?
Though innovative and forward-looking, William Nordhaus's ideas on a global carbon tax aren't widely shared among many policymakers.
A new roadmap points the way for making Paris targets achievable
A new report shows how all sectors of the economy can halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.