Low Carbon Energy
We’re creating a climate not seen since dinosaurs ruled
Fans of dinosaurs are familiar with the Triassic period. It ran for around 50 million years from a mass extinction of species at the end of the Permian until the dawn of the Jurassic some 200 million years ago. The Triassic featured some
E. coli bacteria can help solar panels work on cloudy days
Solar power has much to recommend it, not least that it’s clean and carbon-free. It also draws on an inexhaustible natural resources in the form of sun rays. It does have a significant drawback, though. It only works when the
South Africa wades back into a global nuclear debate
The Russian nuclear energy company Rosatom has been making historic deals lately, most notably a deal with China whereby Rosatom will construct several new reactors in the energy-hungry People’s Republic. Now some prominent South African politicians are hinting they may
Scientists: our carbon emissions are changing the seasons
When it comes to the planetary scale, we may seem like puny creatures individually. Yet collectively we have awesome powers over the Earth, for better or worse. Not only are we driving countless species ever closer to the edge of
Study: nuclear power in the US is on the way down
Low-carbon energy sources are becoming increasingly seen as a vital part of efforts to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels so as to mitigate climate change. One such energy source being touted by numerous experts, as we have elucidated on
The sunny side of solar for California homeowners
In the state of California, solar power is becoming increasingly dominant. California is the first state in the US where solar panels will be made mandatory on most newly built homes after 2020. At present a fifth of single-family homes