Best Practices
Scientists come up with a way to repurpose plastic waste
Plastic waste is an untapped resource that can be recycled and processed into new plastics and other products.
EU must latch on to COP28’s future-fit approach to build healthy, sustainable food system
After years of neglect, world leaders are finally focusing on the relations between climate change, food production and health.
A robot inspired by a snail could help clean up microplastics
The robot imitates the undulating motion of the snails's underside to drive water surface flow and suck in floating particles.
Pesky shipworms could become a sustainable superfood
Naked Clams taste like oysters, they're highly nutritious and they can be produced with a really low footprint.
‘Climate-smart cows’ could yield plenty more milk in Africa
"We wanted to develop a high health-status herd in the U.S. so we could export their genetics anywhere in the world."
Marine mammals live longer in zoos thanks to better animal care
Life expectancy in four studied marine mammal species has increased by over three times in zoos and aquariums.