Sustainable Business
Rock dust applied to soils may help capture 2B tons of CO2
Basalt rock dust boosts farm soil health and the capacity for carbon capture.
E-waste has reached massive proportions worldwide
Less than a fifth, or 17.%, of e-waste was collected and recycled last year, leaving the rest unrecycled.
Tweaking cattle’s microbiome can make them emit less methane
Flatulence and burping are quite a problem in cattle. And not only as a faux pas in polite bovine society on green pastures.
A UK-based company shows how to lead on food waste
A whopping 2,500 tons is how much the retailer has saved in food waste in just two years.
Is there evidence for the ‘end of oil’?
The current crisis could spell the end of fossil fuels or at least their dominance.
Covid-19 pandemic is a foretaste of what’s in store for rice
It was climate change that helped rice spread and climate change that is now posing a threat to rice crops.