Sustainable Business
Global tourism leaves a giant carbon footprint
The rapid increase in tourism demand is effectively outstripping the decarbonization of tourism-related technology, researchers say.
Engulfed in plastic: life is at risk in the planet’s oceans
Just five countries dump more plastic waste into the seas than the rest of the world combined.
Could drone deliveries help us reduce our carbon footprint?
Researchers say the delivery of commercial packages by drones could help us cut back on CO2 emissions.
To stop cows producing methane, we can feed them seaweed
The seaweed is abundant off the coast of Queensland and generally much to the cows' liking.
Electric vehicles will need a ‘confidence boost’
Is there a way to ensure a smoother ride for new electric cars?
Growing cover crops can help save pollinators and birds
In coming decades 40% of insect species may go extinct in what experts have called an ongoing "insect apocalypse."