Sustainable Business
Is there a place for nuclear energy in Europe?
Despite the bad rep that nuclear power tends to get in the popular imagination and in Hollywood movies ...
Winds of change blowing for wind power?
Wind power has been on the way up across much of Europe, and this clean and renewable form of energy has just received another boost on the continent. The government of Belgian says it will set aside another 221 square
A Dutch Supermarket sets out to go Plastic Free
Much of plastic pollution comes from a simple source: plastic packaging. Plastic is a cheap and versatile substance that can be readily made and used. Unfortunately, it can just as easily be dumped after a singe use, which has led
Denmark set a new record for wind power
As wind power is coming into its own across Europe, ever newer records are being set on the continent. The latest record involving wind power comes from Denmark: Wind power accounted for a record high of 43.4% of the Scandinavian
Facebook is ‘turning a Blind Eye’ to Wildlife Trafficking
We’ve been here before, repeatedly, and here we are again. Environmentalists have long been warning that Facebook has been a hotbed of wildlife trafficking at an “industrial scale” in such tropical countries with stunning biodiversity as Vietnam and Thailand. Now