Worst Practices
Why the Philippines generates so much plastic waste
Of small sachets known as “labo” bags a whopping 16.5 billion are used each year across the country.
Coal takes its toll differently on rich and poor
More than half of the health effects come from one tenth of the power plants.
Another vast hoard of pangolin scales is seized in Hong Kong
For this one shipment alone as many as 13,000 pangolins were slaughtered.
Pesticides remain hazards in the EU because of weak safety regulations
A new document lists 18 areas where pesticide safety assessments within the EU fall short.
‘Sustainable’ palm oil cultivation isn’t sustainable at all
New research shows there is no way to produce sustainable palm oil without deforestation.
The curse of palm oil: tropical forests are disappearing
Oil palm cultivation has been a boon to the economies of Malaysia and Indonesia but a disaster to their natural environments.