The C40 knowledge hub seeks to equip city policymakers with the tools to accelerate climate action.

A new online hub lets cities step up their climate action
Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement, urban climate action has been growing across the globe. Now a new hub brings together the best global experiences, making them available to any city that wants to become climate-proof.
The C40 knowledge hub aims to fill the gaps in know-how and collaboration, “equipping city policymakers and practitioners with the tools to accelerate climate action.” The hub is packed with insights and information for cities as well as for climate leaders.
The platform covers major areas of urban climate impacts, including energy, transport, development, waste and air quality. It also covers issues of effective climate planning, risk management, inclusivity, and even diplomacy, aiming for a comprehensive approach to urban climate challenges.
For example, entering the food section, you learn why food matters for a livable climate, what the key questions to address are and how cities around the globe have acted on the issue in the context of climate change. You can also easily find your way to reports, courses, guides and other types of material, making the platform extremely helpful for anyone who wants to advance their climate journey.
Meanwhile, a wide collection of hands-on tools such as the EDGE carbon footprint calculator and Walking and Cycling benefit tools allow decisionmakers to find out about concrete benefits, prospects, risks and tradeoffs of a particular policy or project.
Tailored tools allow users to understand the economic and health implications of air pollution, make a cost-benefit analysis of organic waste separation and even balance out mitigation and adaptation options towards an optimal policy mix. All of this comes together under a common monitoring and reporting framework, making it much easier for cities to track their progress and learn from each others’ achievements and failures.
The hub also features inspiring stories from cities like New York, Paris, and Melbourne, which are rich in analyses and insights. Importantly, the hub is more than a knowledge platform, aiming as it does to facilitate the involvement of diverse urban actors into building a strong community of practice. It also includes a forum for discussing complex questions.