All posts in Biodiversity
Namibia’s fairy circles offer insights on arid ecosystems
Scientists have long sought to solve the mystery of Namibia's fairy circles, and they think identifying the cause can offer climate insights.
Corals thrive in clearer water with more access to sunlight
Underwater light intensity plays a critical role in the energy expended by the coral's symbiotic algae.
The new UN deal fails to address the root causes of nature’s destruction
The new UN deal may force us to reconsider the usefulness of such meetings altogether.
Scientists in Ecuador rediscover 32 frog species once believed extinct
“I can’t tell you how special it is to hold something we never thought we’d see again,” a reseacher says.
Climate action can slow cascading biodiversity extinctions
Scientists mapped species in more than 15,000 food webs using "virtual Earth" models. Future biodiversity loss may be worse than they feared.
Insects may feel pain, evidence shows
We surveyed more than 300 scientific studies and found evidence that at least some insects feel pain.