All posts in Biodiversity
Landmark High Seas Treaty set to protect marine ecosystems
The High Seas Treaty will ensure 30% of the world’s oceans are protected areas and more funding supports marine conservation.
Woodland ants play a key role in helping forests regenerate
Photo: Pixabay/SandeepHanda Ants scampering around in woodlands remain largely invisible to the casual observer, yet that does not mean their actions on the forest floor truly go unnoticed. They are manifested in a dazzling array of wildflowers in spring with
As many as 29 threatened species are coming back from the brink in Australia
Up to 15 threatened mammal, eight bird, four frog, one reptile and one fish species have recovered.
How to ensure the success of reintroducing apex predators into their former habitats
Success rates for large carnivore relocations have increased significantly since before 2007.
Nature documentaries can boost plant conservation
Increasing public awareness of plants is essential for saving them from a number of threats in various environments.
The vanishing of insects is making it harder to grow food
A compilation of 166 studies estimates that insect populations are declining globally at a rate of 0.9% per year.