All posts in Climate Change
Is there a climate link to Miami’s condo catastrophe?
Coastal cities across the globe are dealing with land subsidence even as the sea is rising. It may have contributed to Miami's tragedy.
Russia’s vast forests sequester far more carbon than previously thought
Russia's forests have accumulated a large amount of biomass since the collapse of the Soviet Union three decades ago.
Australia ‘must do more’ to protect the Great Barrier Reef
The long-term outlook for the ecosystem of the reef has deteriorated from poor to very poor and climate, UNESCO says.
Peatlands worldwide are drying out, threatening to worsen climate change
Peatlands cover just 3% of the Earth’s total land surface, yet store over one-third of the planet’s soil carbon.
Great apes in Africa are set to lose most of their current ranges
It's vital that new conservation areas be set up for all endangered and critically endangered great apes in Africa.
Attenborough: G7 nations must redouble efforts to save Earth
"We know in detail what is happening to our planet, and we know many of the things we need to do during this decade," he said.