All posts in Climate Change
Is an end to nuclear waste possible?
Nuclear waste is one of the main sticking points in the public discourse about the future of nuclear power. But technological advances are greatly reducing the amount and radiotoxicity of it.
U.S. scientists look to the moon to save earth’s biodiversity
Scientists in the U.S. are working on a biodiversity “lunar ark” to store seeds on the moon more safely than the Svalbard Seed Vault does.
Sea levels are rising fastest in big cities
In many of the most populated coastal areas, the land is sinking even faster than the sea is rising.
Summers might last half a year by 2100
Summers are already getting longer and hotter while winters shorter and warmer due to global warming.
Europe’s forests are under threat from a changing climate
As much as 33.4 billion tons of forest biomass could be badly affected by a changing climate.
Attenborough: we could face the ‘collapse of everything’
Unless we change our destructive ways drastically, life on the planet as we have known it will cease to exist.