All posts in CO2-Emissions
Why Europe cannot afford to shun nuclear power
With Brussels focusing on decarbonization by means of electrification using solar and wind, the big elephant in the room remains nuclear power.
By phasing out coal-fired plants we can save millions of lives
The burning of fossil fuels also harms us directly by contributing to a variety of diseases, many of them life-threatening.
After a decade of protests, Keystone XL Pipeline project ends
Across its long trajectory, the Keystone Pipeline project was opposed by thousands of climate activists in both Canada and the U.S.
Court orders Shell to cut carbon emissions 45% by 2030
Shell is heading towards more not less CO2 emissions, the Rechtspraak ruled: “Targets for emission reduction by 2030 are completely lacking.”
We must lower our emissions or will lose much of our food supply
The continuous growth of greenhouse gas emissions may create new conditions, to which farmers may not be able to adapt.
To save coral reefs, we’ll need to cut global emissions fast
The good news is that 63% of all reefs in an emissions scenario will still be able to grow by 2100.