All posts in CO2-Emissions
Want to reduce food waste? Turns out kids love ‘ugly food’
There are times when children might receive some parental prodding to stop playing with their food, but one researcher in New Zealand thinks maybe we should encourage them to have some fun with “ugly food” that might otherwise be thrown
Bacteria will worsen climate change, scientists say
Invisible to the naked eye, bacteria are often overlooked by people. Yet we ignore them at our own peril.
How innovation will decarbonize the heavy industry
For exciting developments in decarbonizing industry, look no further than a project at a rubbish dump in Dunbar.
China struggles to shake its coal addiction
China's renewables are booming but it still struggles with replacing coal.
Ancient Aztec chinampas hold promise for urban agriculture
The Aztecs developed a water-saving agricultural system that is still used in Mexico today, and researcher Roland Ebel in the United States says there’s much that modern urban systems can borrow from the ancient techniques practiced in chinampa fields. The chinampas
Capturing CO2 from the air has just got a major boost
A scientist describes the new system's process of capturing and releasing CO2 as "revolutionary."