All posts in Food Security
Climate and conflict: A look at environmental peacebuilding
Environmental peacebuilding may resolve tensions over water, land or extraction, and helps prevent conflict in a resource-challenged world.
Farm robots could help save the environment … or further destroy it
Small robots could help conserve biodiversity and combat climate change in ways that were not possible before.
Looking to biodiversity to build more resilient supply chains
At FEWSION, they're crunching the supply chain data in hopes of making communities more resilient and shockproof in the coming climate future.
Coating their seeds could fortify crops in arid regions
Water stress during seed germination and early seedling growth is the highest cause of crop loss.
Climate and crops: Farm worker safety is key to future yields
New research draws a direct climate link between farm worker safety, global economic impacts and the ability to feed people.
COVID’s difficult lessons can help reshape European cities
A new EU Environment Agency briefing details how COVID is showing urban planners ways to make permanent change in sustainable design.