All posts in Policy
We’ll ‘need a moral compass’ for tackling climate change
The new compass should not be a static set of rules but a dynamic and reflexively evolving framework.
Study: the Fridays for Future movement is facing its limits
An insistence that science alone is the only true guidance for action can be its own trap.
Study: climate advocates should practice what they preach
If climate advocates have a low carbon footprint, people are more likely to support their policies.
China’s ban on waste imports is forcing a rethink
Now that China slashed its recyclables imports, western nations are starting to embrace a new reality.
Decarbonizing plastics is finally possible
A line of research looks at ways to cut the carbon footprint of plastics down to as little as possible.
Boosting sustainable finance in cities could help the climate
Cities have been at the fringe of climate finance. Shifting them to the center could do a world of good.