All posts in Policy
To make cities sustainable, let’s experiment with alternative futures
Experiments hold the key to urban sustainability of our cities, say researchers in a new book called Urban Living Labs: Experimenting with City Futures. Experimenters are hip, ambitious and often out to have some fun. But what’s also important is that they
Should we give half of the Earth back to Mother Nature?
More than two decades ago 150 nations signed the Convention on Biological Diversity, aiming to stop biodiversity loss by 2010. That target was later moved to 2020, but it is also unlikely to be met. The task is far from
Having the vision to green our cities
The world is becoming increasingly urbanized. Already more than half of the world’s population (54%) lives in towns and cities. That number, according to the UN, could well swell to two-thirds, or 66%, by 2050 when another 2.5 billion people
Trump is wrong: trophy hunting isn’t good conservation
Quite a few people like to shoot unsuspecting animals dead with powerful rifles from a safe distance and then pose for selfies with the animals’ remains. And if we are to believe the Trump administration in the US, the dubious