All posts in Pollution
By reducing air pollution we can boost crop yields
The further away plants were from power plants, particularly coal-burning ones, the better their yields.
Your plastic waste may end up befouling a beach far away
"Swimming close to the shore with my family I was constantly fishing out plastic bags," a reporter in Thailand explained.
By phasing out coal-fired plants we can save millions of lives
The burning of fossil fuels also harms us directly by contributing to a variety of diseases, many of them life-threatening.
Much of ocean plastic ends up in an unlikely place: back on land
New research suggests ocean plastic is being transported back onshore away from the water’s edge.
Airborne microplastics are travelling far and wide around the planet
"What humans have been doing for decades now is what I call a ‘plastification’ of the landscape and oceans."
One sip can kill: The new battles over paraquat pesticides
Public Eye, the investigative NGO based in Switzerland, calls paraquat the world's deadliest weedkiller.