All posts in Pollution
Walking around Paris or Prague is like smoking cigarettes
When we think of excessive urban air pollution, we tend to think of cities in Asia. Mumbai. New Delhi. Beijing. Yet for many people living in Europe, unhealthy levels of air pollution are much closer to home than they may
Air pollution can alter the anatomy of your heart
You hardly need to be a physician to suspect that air pollution can’t be good for your health. Yet many of us tend to underestimate the potentially harmful consequences of being exposed to air pollution, which has been linked with
Pharmaceutical discharges can badly harm the environment
The medicines we produce come with great health benefits. Sadly, though, they can also come with harmful side-effects to the environment. Take birth control pills. They have been a great boon to women everywhere by allowing them to control their
High-tech CityTrees suck up air pollution
The air in bustling towns and cities tend to be polluted all year round. Countless vehicles keep spewing harmful particulate matters into the air, creating a lingering miasma of pollutants. Imagine, though, if we could somehow devise a method that
Air pollution ‘worsens diabetes’
If you have diabetes, you would probably do well to stay away from higher levels of air pollution. Then again, that can be a challenged in many towns and cities where chronically high levels of air pollution have become the
Here comes a sugar-based filter to purify polluted water
Water contamination is a serious problem across much of the world not least because polluting water sources is easy but cleaning them up may involve a Herculean task. Yet help is on the way, in the form of science. Scientists