All posts in Power Use
What does it take to create a carbon-neutral industry?
Heavy industry is a key GHG emitter, with the production of basic materials accounting for 22% of global CO2 emissions.
In Aarhus, a bell tolls for new babies – and calls us to action
For whom does that bell toll? It is for everyone in Aarhus, and for all of us in our house.
VW robot concept aims to put EV charging in any space
The VW robot functions as a battery-charging valet making its power-up rounds in any car park.
Study touts solar as a solution for the world’s displaced
UNHCR spends US$35 million per year on diesel fuel to keep generators running. Solar will reduce cost, carbon emissions and other impacts.
Can nuclear unlock Africa’s development?
Africa’s nations have been urged to seek out climate-conscious solutions to the challenges of continued economic development.
Africa’s sustainable energy transition has global implications
Today, Africa produces only 2% of global energy-related CO2 emissions. But this could change.